Silvio Berlusconi has always loved to be surrounded by women – attractive young women, to be more specific – but since 2009 this tendency might have been increasing, or - at least - this was the opinion of Veronica Lario, Silvio's wife, who did not found it funny and revealed that his husband was a “sick person who needed help”.
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The Prime Minister and a Miss Italia candidate |
We are updating the “collection” of Berlusconi-related women as quick as we can, but it may turn out not be an easy task...
A herd of these good looking and sexy young women (the so-called bunga-bunga army) is currently (November 2012) being financed by Silvio Berlusconi and kept safe in a 5-storey condominium, in Milan, called Olgettina (Via Olgettina 65, Milano Due - Milano 2 - the residential district built by Silvio Berlusconi's Edilnord). Trivia: in Via Olgettina 58 lies the university attended by Barbara Berlusconi, Università Vita-Salute (Life-Health University).
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Marta Fascina (from her Instagram account) |
She was born in Calabria, the “toe” of the “boot” of Italy, but raised in Portici, a town near Naples. She’s been a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies since 2018, when she was elected as a member of the list for proportional representation of Campania’s voting district.
Utterly boring! She doesn't seem to have been a showgirl in the past, nor any risqué pictures of her have emerged, quite a rarity among women Silvio Berlusconi has been smitten with in the past. Is Silvio getting old? Her Instagram account, mf9milan is also a disappointment, packed as it is with institutional pics of Berlusconi and Forza Italia party stuff.
From the same source we found a sweet picture hash-tagged with #blondesalad, #blondie and #sunrise tags, where Marta displays what may be called a pirate smile (cit.).
Francesca Pascale (born in Naples, district of Fuorigrotta, 15 July 1985), Neapolitan, daugher of a wedding photographer, was raised up in Posillipo. She is the founder of the Club “Silvio ci manchi” (“Silvio we miss you”).
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Francesca Pascale (aka Franceschina), left in the photo, when working at Telecafone (before meeting Silvio...) |
Appeared in several videos singing or dancing with other girls along singer Oscar di Maio as he carried Neapolitan sex-related pun tunes on local television Telecapri programme, dubbed Telecafone (Teleboor), where she started working when she was 14.
Francesca has a short video playlist on our YouTube Channel (but we hope we can extend it with more of her videos).
Than she went into politics, becoming a councillor for the Municipality of Naples.“I adore Berlusconi. Politics and show business? The same thing.” she said once, possibly reminding when she was singing “se mostri un po' di coscia, si alza l'Auditel, se muovi il mandolino, si alza l'Auditel...” (meaning that if you show your thigh, or you move your bottom, the Auditel [Italian TV audience index] will rise).
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Francesca Pascale with Silvio Berlusconi |
On 16 December 2012, Silvio declared publicly that he was officially engaged to the Neapolitan girl. Since her coming out as Berlusconi's girlfriend, Francesca Pascale has been trained to become a presentable escort to a former prime minister and billionaire, her tutor being Mariarosaria Rossi. But Francesca Pascale needs more than this to earn a page on Wikipedia: so far (25 January 2013) she is just mentioned once in Silvio Berlusconi Italian wiki page and she is totally absent from the English Wikipedia or even the Neapolitan language pages...
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Silvio Berlusconi and his girlfriend Francesca Pascale on Vanity Fair magazine's cover |
On 10 October 2013 the Bulgarian actress (naturalized Italian citizen) revealed on her blog that Francesca Pascale is a lesbian, and that she knows it for sure because she had an affair with the young girlfriend of Silvio Berlusconi. The news did not remain in the headlines for long. On 30 October Marystell Polanco declared that Berlusconi secretly married Francesca, a few weeks before.
Francesca is said to have had a great relationship with Silvio Berlusconi's elder daughter, Marina Berlusconi, and lesser idyllic relations with Barbara Berlusconi.
She was dismissed in 2020 (apparently ushered to the exit by a 20-million-euros severance pay) to give space to Berlusconi's latest flame, Marta Fascina.
Francesca Dellera (born in Rome, 2 October 1966), is an buxom actress, her real name is Francesca Cervellera.
She had an affair with Cristopher Lambert, but recently she also admitted to have had an affair with Silvio Berlusconi. “I was young” she said in an interview “and he wasn't as he is today, he seemed to be a better person”.
The busty Francesca - some say she resembles Berlusconi's second wife, Veronica Lario, another woman who owns quite a décolletage - also told that since Berlusconi was “rich and important” many people envied her and were mean to her.
Allegedly she than left the billionaire.
The confession came as Francesca Dellera announced she was writing her biography (I mean dictating, the writer is veteran journalist Natalia Aspesi), actually the revelation might be a part of the launch campaign.
Francesca Dellera (born in Rome, 2 October 1966), is an buxom actress, her real name is Francesca Cervellera.
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Francesca Dellera had an affair with Berlusconi |
The busty Francesca - some say she resembles Berlusconi's second wife, Veronica Lario, another woman who owns quite a décolletage - also told that since Berlusconi was “rich and important” many people envied her and were mean to her.
Allegedly she than left the billionaire.
The confession came as Francesca Dellera announced she was writing her biography (I mean dictating, the writer is veteran journalist Natalia Aspesi), actually the revelation might be a part of the launch campaign.
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Karima El Mahroug (aka Ruby Rubacuori, the
Karima El Mahroug (commonly known as Ruby Rubacuori - Italian for Ruby the Heartstealer -, born 1 November 1992 in Fkih Ben Salah, a Moroccan town situated about 170 km from Casablanca) is a nightclub and a belly dancer (for some, she is also a ho).
Chief source of Berlusconi's problems with justice (I mean, the sex scandals related problems, not those referring to tax fraud, corruption charges and the like...), she was under-age when first met the Prime Minister, in 2010.
Berlusconi's employee and friend Emilio Fede discovered Ruby at a beauty pageant, when she was 17 (and Fede thought she was 15, watch this video, proving it). Later, Berluscoin will say he did not know she was underage.
Berlusconi's employee and friend Emilio Fede discovered Ruby at a beauty pageant, when she was 17 (and Fede thought she was 15, watch this video, proving it). Later, Berluscoin will say he did not know she was underage.
Prosecutors assert that she was a prostitute (something that the heart stealer Moroccan strongly denied in a protest on April 4, 2013) at that time and that Silvio Berlusconi had sex with her (and paid for it). Noemi Letizia's former agent, Francesco Chiesa Soprani, endorsed this version of the facts on a TV interview in April 2013.
She's not (Egypt's former boss) Hosni Mubarak niece nor his granddaughter (if only because Ruby-Karima is Moroccan and Hosni is Egyptian), though Silvio Berlusconi tried to convince a few officers of the Italian police of the contrary.
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Karima “Ruby the Heartstealer” El Mahroug at work |
In April 2013 she staged a protest against the magistrates and the journalists who alleged she was a prostituite, whereas she "had been used" by others as a weapon against Silvio Berlusconi.
As a member of the bunga-bunga army she was a regular guest on the Arcore's bunga-bunga parties, but her services were limited to dancing (she says).
In May 2013 a documentary was aired on Berlusconi's Canale5 in order to prove that the allegations against him are groundless, that the Arcore's soirées were all but chats, and so on. Ruby states her case also on her internet site
In court, during the trail of the so-called Ruby-case, she would admit that she had said “loads of crap” to the prosecutor, back in 2010.
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Mariorosaria Rossi, general maid, factotum,
lyrics writer and MP |
Mariarosaria Rossi (born 8 March 1972, Piedimonte Matese, province of Caserta) is a former discotheque PR.
Registered to the now defunct Forza Italia party (Forward Italy) she was enlisted in the PdL (Popolo delle Libertà - People of Freedom) party-list in 2008 following a suggestion of Mr Berlusconi, and then became member of the Italian parliament.
She's now (2012) a member of the parliamentary commitee on Justice of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.
Her enemies are convinced the only reason of her success is a quite an impressive décolleté.
Mariarosaria is one of the organisers of the bunga bunga parties as well as Silvio Berlusconi's personal assistant, general maid and factotum.
During the sex-trial proceedings Ms Rossi gave favourable testimony as one of the witnesses.
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Katarina and twin sister, Kristina |
Katarina Knezevic (dob 1991) is a Montenegrin model. Allegedly she won the Miss Montenegro contest (Wikipedia does not seem confirm this).
“Since you insist, I will provide you with a scoop. The night of his birthday party celebrations, the prime minister gave me an engagement ring. We are officially engaged,” Ms Knezevic allegedly told the paper Il Fatto Quotidiano on October 2, 2011 (but Katarina's lawyer denied it later on).
Katarina Knesevic has a twin sister (Kristina), and two elder sister (Slavica e Zorica) who are believed to have had links to Montenegrin godfather Ratko Djokic, killed in Stockholm in 2002.
She's a "gypsy" a "runaway from home" in Nicole Minetti's view, as she confessed to Clotilde Strada in a telephone conversation intercepted in January 2010. You can find it on our YouTube Channel, Berluschannel.
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Belén Rodriguez (right) and her sister
Cecilia (a newer star is born?)
She's pretty successful, and she appeared in some of the most broadcast TV commercials, mobile telecommunications company TIM's ads, before getting fired in 2011 (one could wonder that's because the ads were boosting Belén – as she is known in Italy – personality more than the sales of Telecom Italia Mobile).
She hosts Mediaset TV programmes (Colorado, in 2011) as well as Italian national TV RAI shows (Ciak... si canta, 2011), she sings (she participated to Italy's most seen music TV show, the Sanremo Music Festival) and she has a role in one of the most watched TV series in Italy (Il Commissario Montalbano, in 2010/2011).
In 2011 she was awarded the Premio Regia Televisiva (TV Direction Award, bradcast by RAI1), as the Best Revelation of the Year (Personaggio Rivelazione dell'Anno).
But it was also revealed that a few years ago she spent (at least) a night in the residence of Silvio Berlusconi, though the prime minister said (in a phone call to Giampaolo Tarantini, the person who proveded the PdL's president with women for his parties) “I did not make love to her, since she was the girlfriend of one of my players”, referring to the (former) sweetheart, the AC Milan's (former) footballer Marco Borriello.
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Belén showing off on Italian TV (Sanremo Music Festival 2012). Italians will keep on talking about Belén's butterfly for months |
After breaking up with Borriello, the new boyfriend of Belén Rodriguez - until April 2012 - was Fabrizio Corona, Italian photographer, media and TV controversial personality, former friend and business partner of Lele Mora (see our page All the President's Men) and former husband of Croatian model Nina Moric. As per April 2013 Fabrizio is in jail (one of the charges is extortion, as he blackmailed Italian football team Juventus' player David Trezeguet).
On 9 April 2013 Belén gave birth to Santiago, her firstborn son (the father seems to be Stefano De Martino, a dancer).
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Sabina "Bunga Bunga" Beganovic |
She's a very good friend of the Italian prime minister (she allegedly bears a tattoo, on her ankle, portraying a butterfly and the following sentence: "the man who changed my life: S.B.") and revealed – on an interview by Sky Italia – that she is “responsible” for Silvio Berlusconi's parties and that her nickname is the origin of the controversial term bunga bunga, linked to the sex scandal.
Active in organising the parties to make Silvio Berlusconi happy, she's been helped by Giampaolo Tarantini, the man who admitted to having supplied call girls for the Prime Minister and who has been arrested in September 2011 on suspicion of drug possession and trafficking. She thinks Silvio Berlusconi is a very funny guy.
Allegedly on 8 May 2012 Sabina declared «I'm in love with Berlusconi, I want a child from him». In the following month of August she declared she was pregnant of Silvio, a few hours later of having had a miscarriage (source: Italian Wikipedia page of Sabina).
Her most known rôle in a movie, is the part of Giulia Roberti in "Aitanic", a pitiful Neapolitan parody of "Titanic", which has scored 3.6 out of 10 on the Internet Movie Database, where 29 users bother to express their opinion about the film. Sabina Began doesn't have a photo on the database, so far.
Barbara Guerra (born 16 May 1978 in Mariano Comense, Como) is a showgirl and former girlfriend of AC Milan's footballer Mario Balotelli.
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Barbara Guerra (left in the photo) and Carla Velli |
Barbara was brought into the bunga-bunga-scene by Gianpaolo Tarantini, accused of prostitution and drug trafficking.
Roberta Bonasia (born in 1984, Nichelino, Turin, Italy) is supposed to be the real girlfriend of Silvio Berlusconi (as per January 2011).
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Roberta Bonasia, beauty from Nichelino |
The statement set off Italian media in the search of the mysterious mistress, and the Miss Italia competitor from Turin's hinterland was one of the most probable candidate.
Why is that? The suspect comes from a phone call between Lele Mora and Emilio Fede (see our All the President's Men page for details), when they argued on the fact that the brunette was "taking it all".
She would not earn a Wikipedia page, before disappearing form the headlines (in 2012). In the meanwhile the official girlfriend of Silvio became Francesca Pascale.
For whom can be interested, here's a videobook of the model (it's a video, uploaded on our YouTube Channel, Berluschannel). Update: it's not there anymore.
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Evelina Manna |
Evelina Manna (born 7/7/1972) is an actress born in Rome of Apulian descent, whose participation to a TV series was warmly wished by Silvio Berlusconi, as he made it clear to RAI Drama Department's Director Agostino Saccà, on a famous phone call of June 2007 (intercepted by the Italian Police, here's a video with the transcription and here's a post on our blog).
It was an exchange of favours, since Saccà was begging Berlusconi for political support.
Evelina Carmela (this is her complete name), in her interview with GQ, insisted that she had been a real and loyal lover to him, not just a bunga-bunga guest. She told the same story to the American Playboy magazine, when making a topless photoshoot.
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Daniela Santanchè |
Daniela Santanchè (born - as Daniela Garnero - in Cuneo, Piedmont, 7 April 1961) was the Undersecretary of the Cabinet in Berlusconi IV Cabinet and a member of the Italian Parliament coming from the far-right, which she left to join Silvio. Right?
She is married to a plastic surgeon (Paolo Santanchè), she's been called many times to act as the tireless defender of Silvio Berlusconi on TV programmes like AnnoZero (a talk show hosted by Michele Santoro, one of the fiercest enemies of the Italian Prime minister's).
In October 2012 she stated that the People of Freedom experience was “over” and wished a comeback of Forza Italia (Forward Italia) and the spirit of '94.
Recently (2013) she was nicknamed “the Pythoness”, a label that seems to stick to Daniela. 48k+ people follow her on Twitter, as per end of August 2013.
Recently (2013) she was nicknamed “the Pythoness”, a label that seems to stick to Daniela. 48k+ people follow her on Twitter, as per end of August 2013.
Silvio Berlusconi once dedicated one of his witty remarks to her, saying «“The women of the Right are certainly the more beautiful ... the Left has no taste, not even when it comes to women. [...] People will vote for [Daniela] Santanchè because she's a nice piece of ass.”». You can find this and more of Berlusconi's funny phrases in our page on his quotes.
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Francesca Cipriani |
The busty Big Brother participant allegedly sent a text to a girlfriend saying “Everything's OK. He gave me a golden bracelet and every girl received two thousand... I was sure he'd do it”.
The gold and diamond bracelet (worth 2,000 euro) she has received from Silvio Berlusconi is inscribed with the letter 'F', apparently hinting at the size of her bras.
In October 2012 on the Italian radio show La Zanzara (Radio24) Francesca confessed that, in order to get a Jennifer Lopez-like bum, she underwent a plastic surgery intervention, that allegedly cost 100,000 euro. Not happy with it (she didn't find her back being Jennifer Lopez-ish), she sued the surgeon for 150 thousand euros.
In November 2012 she was thoroughly beaten by Lele Mora, for unclear reasons.
For more of Francesca, take a look at the short video published on YouTube.
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Michela Vittoria Brambilla on TV |
Michela is the heir of Italian steel magnate Vittorio Brambilla.
She helped Silvio Berlusconi launching the Freedom TV (closed down after 12 month of life, in July 2008), through the Circles of Freedom organisation (should you be interested in learning more about them, here's the link to the Wikipedia page). In May 2008 the red haired beauty became the Italian Minister of Tourism.
In the past the leggy politician was named as a possible successor to Silvio Berlusconi (by Italian press, namely the Berlusconi's Fininvest owned weekly magazine Panorama), but her position seems to have waned since, Berlusconi heir presumptive may be Angelino Alfano, though the issue is under development. It was under development in 2010. In 2013 nobody yet remembered Michela as Berlusconi's heir.
She used to appear quite often on TV, in order to show off her famous legs, as much as she could.
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Noemi Letizia, when she was still slim |
The event was one of the triggering deeds that brought the 30-year relationship (and 22-year-long marriage) with the Italian billionaire to an end. It was in 2009.
Silvio met Letizia through the girl's parents.
Rumours - denied by Noemi - suggested she is an illegitimate daughter of Silvio Berlusconi.
She intended to launch a perfume dubbed "Noemi L.", but during the shooting of the advertising campaign (Nov. 2011) she realised she was far too overweight (and many people reckoned that plastic surgery to enlarge lips and breasts was a bad idea).
In April 2013 a former agent of Noemi declared in an interview to Michele Santoro "Piazza Pulita" (in English: "Clean Sweep") TV show that the would-be showgirl had sex with the former Italian prime minister when she was still under-age. It was Noemi who disclosed the affair's details to him.
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Patrizia D'Addario |
She's an escort, admittedly (almost any other girl or woman appearing at the bunga bunga parties was in a different profession, according toi their statements).
Miss D'Addario eventually ended up running for municipal councillor for a group allied to Mr Berlusconi's People of Freedom (PdL) party in her home town of Bari.
She tried in 2009 to make money out of his encounter with Silvio (apart from the gifts she received from the politician), with a burlesque dubbed “I love Silvio”, played in a rossonero (red and black, the colours of Berlusconi's AC Milan) environment, arguably not the most successful play of the season in Paris (where the play was premiered).
Finally she managed - the following year - to sell some pictures to the Italian Vanity Fair Magazine.
Miss D'Addario eventually ended up running for municipal councillor for a group allied to Mr Berlusconi's People of Freedom (PdL) party in her home town of Bari.
She tried in 2009 to make money out of his encounter with Silvio (apart from the gifts she received from the politician), with a burlesque dubbed “I love Silvio”, played in a rossonero (red and black, the colours of Berlusconi's AC Milan) environment, arguably not the most successful play of the season in Paris (where the play was premiered).
Finally she managed - the following year - to sell some pictures to the Italian Vanity Fair Magazine.
Nicole Minetti, born in Rimini (11 March 1985).
Silvio Berlusconi's favourite dental hygienist, the pretty showgirl obtained support from Roberto Formigoni (president of Lombardy region) in order to become regional councillor in 2010.
She went on working as a politician for a while, but she resigned in October 2012, after she came under fire for stripping off on a bikini fashion show.
It is also true that in the meanwhile the whole Lombardy region council collapsed, following a number of criminal charges (mainly) for bribes and embezzlement. A discouraging picture.
Nicole Minetti was very fond of Silvio (actually she declared that she was his girlfriend, at some point), but than something broke, as she felt the former prime minister wasn't enough supportive in defending her from Rubygate investigation assaults. She took it out on her assistant, Clotilde Strada, on a famous phone conversation in January 2012.
As a hobby, apparently she organised bunga-bunga evenings for the Italian Prime Minister. For doing that - and for allegedly “performing sex acts for money” - on 31 May 2013 prosecutors asked for a 7-year sentence, together with agent Lele Mora and journalist Emilio Fede.
Almost a month later, also Silvio Berlusconi received a 7-year-long sentence for having sex with an under-age prostitute and having abused of the power of his office when Italy's prime minister.
In the end Nicole was sentenced for 5 years on 19 July 2013, on charges of aiding and abetting prostitution of adults (perhaps one of the minor charges, actually she can be happy with that, as major charges were dropped).
Silvio Berlusconi's favourite dental hygienist, the pretty showgirl obtained support from Roberto Formigoni (president of Lombardy region) in order to become regional councillor in 2010.
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Nicole Minetti, first from left |
It is also true that in the meanwhile the whole Lombardy region council collapsed, following a number of criminal charges (mainly) for bribes and embezzlement. A discouraging picture.
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Nicole Minetti working. Not as a Lombardy councillor presumably. But you can never know. |
Nicole Minetti was very fond of Silvio (actually she declared that she was his girlfriend, at some point), but than something broke, as she felt the former prime minister wasn't enough supportive in defending her from Rubygate investigation assaults. She took it out on her assistant, Clotilde Strada, on a famous phone conversation in January 2012.
As a hobby, apparently she organised bunga-bunga evenings for the Italian Prime Minister. For doing that - and for allegedly “performing sex acts for money” - on 31 May 2013 prosecutors asked for a 7-year sentence, together with agent Lele Mora and journalist Emilio Fede.
Almost a month later, also Silvio Berlusconi received a 7-year-long sentence for having sex with an under-age prostitute and having abused of the power of his office when Italy's prime minister.
In the end Nicole was sentenced for 5 years on 19 July 2013, on charges of aiding and abetting prostitution of adults (perhaps one of the minor charges, actually she can be happy with that, as major charges were dropped).
Sara Tommasi (born 9 June 1981, in Narni, province of Terni). Show girl and actress, Sara has been dating footballer Ronaldinho and Balotelli too.
She has crystal-clear ideas about her role in life. In an interview she declared «At the very beginning I didn't like the idea to undress, than I changed my mind.» and then appearing nude on pictures or live became a quite common for her.
She also promoted - naked as usual - one of Luigi Marra's books, just like Karima El Mahroug - Ruby Rubacuori did (Karima wore some kind of underwear, in that occasion, Sara did not).
What about my breast? «I had a [plastic] surgery.» she admitted «I am a product to be sold on the showbiz market.». Allegedly she took part in Arcore's parties (but there are no photos to prove it).
She's not an escort, she's been the protagonist of the porn movie “Sara contro tutti” (”Sara against all”), available in streaming here and there.
In September 2012 she entered a rehab centre (apparently not using her own legs). In July 2013 two people were arrested with the accuse of forcing Sara to use cocaine and then compel her to act in a porn movie, shooted in a hotel room in Salerno in September 2012.
She has crystal-clear ideas about her role in life. In an interview she declared «At the very beginning I didn't like the idea to undress, than I changed my mind.» and then appearing nude on pictures or live became a quite common for her.
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Sara Tommasi |
What about my breast? «I had a [plastic] surgery.» she admitted «I am a product to be sold on the showbiz market.». Allegedly she took part in Arcore's parties (but there are no photos to prove it).
She's not an escort, she's been the protagonist of the porn movie “Sara contro tutti” (”Sara against all”), available in streaming here and there.
In September 2012 she entered a rehab centre (apparently not using her own legs). In July 2013 two people were arrested with the accuse of forcing Sara to use cocaine and then compel her to act in a porn movie, shooted in a hotel room in Salerno in September 2012.
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A young(er) Nadia Macrì |
Nadia Macrì. Born in 1984, she is one of the few girls that claimed having sex with Italy Prime Minister, in November 2010.
Nadia also said that she saw Berlusconi having sex with other women, in a Jacuzzi.
She's a professional escort and you can meet her in several clubs around Italy. Recently she started a career as a hard movie actress.
She is not an escort, and a hardcore movie actress (hardcore movie, not porn, she would argue when interviewed). The film in which Nadia starred in Bunga Bunga 3D, a three-dimension XXX movie (here's the webpage of the film, be aware that there might be nude pictures on the site).
In the summer of 2012 she could be admired stripping off in discotheques of the Adriatic Riviera.
On 19 January 2013 at Radio24 programme she said: “Berlusconi has great ability in bed, I really miss him”.
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Former Minister Mara Carfagna |
In 2007 (when she was 31 and Silvio Berlusconi 71) the Prime Minister declared «If I weren't already married [with Veronica Lario], I'd wed her.» and told her «I’d go anywhere with you, even to a desert island.».
Needless to say Silvio's wife Veronica Lario did not like the the line and wrote an open letter to the newspaper La Repubblica (number one enemy of Berlusconi) asking her husband to beg for her forgiveness.
Among her successes, she can boast of having reached a sixth place in Miss Italia's pageant, back in 1997. After the participation to the beauty contest, she declared: «That competition makes you a woman [...], makes you understand who you are».
In March 2011 MP Italo Bocchino's wife declare that she had been aware of an affaior between her husband and Mara Carfagna. The relationship lasted 2.5 years.
Barbara Matera (born 9 December 1981, in Lucera, province of Foggia), studied – for some time – Educational Sciences, but she didn't make it to the graduation.
She participated to the Miss Italia beauty contest, in 2000, but did not make it to the finals.
Appeared in films, TV series, TV shows, until Silvio Berlusconi decided to look for “young faces, new faces, to renew the image of Italy and the People of Liberty party in Europe”, and found out Barbara could be one of them.
She stood for a post in the European Parliament, and she made it.
Of her, Silvio said: "She has a degree in Political Science, [journalist and politician Gianni] Letta suggested her, she is engaged to the son of a prefect his friend."
According to Marco Travaglio, from August 2007 to March 2008 she received three money transfers from Silvio, totalling 95,000 euro (£78,500, $127,000).
Her political role model is Mara Carfagna.
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Maria Ester Garcia "Marysthell" Polanco |
Maria Esther Garcia Polanco, aka Marysthelle (born 23 December 1980, Dominican Republic), is one of the few girls who admitted having slept with the Il Cavaliere.
Emilio Fede - good friend of Berlusconi, anchorman, journalist and TG4 news programme's director - considers “dangerous” the Dominican girl, since dope and a knife were found in her car.
Her boyfriend and cohabitant Ramirez Della Rosa was condemned for 8 years, charged with drug pushing and several kilograms of cocaine were found at Olgettina residence, a place were some of Berlusconi's favourites live (on the PM's expenses). Della Rosa was found whilst driving a car who's owner is... Nicole Minetti. It's a small small world.
As per November 2011 Marysthelle is still on Silvio's payroll, receiving a monthly amount of money, as do the 42 (women) members of the so-called bunga-bunga army.
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Raffaella Fico |
We do not know how did the pitch end up, nor who won the race to take Raffaella's maidenhead.
In this way she became famous and could take part in the Celebrity Survivor contest.
She allegedly took part in the bunga-bunga parties at Villa San Martino (where she didn't possibly earn 1m euro, but at least she could start and collect the sum needed to buy a flat in Rome and finance an acting course).
She then became the girlfriend of AC Milan's (and former Manchester City's) footballer, Mario Balotelli. In July 2012 it went public that she was pregnant. After the birth of her child she will go for a DNA test, in order to make sure it's Mario's son (or daughter). [Update: on 18 December 2012 Pia was born, she's a daughter]
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Barbara Faggioli |
Barbara Faggioli is from Sardinia (born in 1986, Cagliari).
Silvio Berlusconi did not hesitate to lend a helping hand when she ran into troubles, and offered her job opportunities within his television kingdom.
She participated to several TV programmes: Camera Cafè (Italia 1), Records' Show (Canale 5) and a couple of fictions on the Italian national broadcaster's RAI 2.
Allegedly Silvio's plan was to make her run for a place in Milan's city council. In the meanwhile she was recruited and kept safe in the bunga-bunga army.
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