Saturday, 15 December 2012

Why nobody likes Silvio Berlusconi?

Thursday, December 13, 2012. French President François Hollande joins droves of politicians eager to state their disapproval over Silvio Berlusconi. Whatever he does or will do, nobody likes it.

Mr Holland, while speaking publicly in Brussels (see photo), declared he saw “very low chance“ for the “chevalier” (Berlusconi is a Labour's Knight, having been awarded the Order of Merit for Labour) of winning a term and replacing Mario Monti as head of Italian government.

François Hollande parla
"Now, look at you" seems to say François Hollande

"I don't take his words saying he abandoned his candidature seriously. What he says one day is not necessarily true the day after," Hollande added, clearly stating his stance towards the Italian media magnate “re-entering the field”. In this stance Hollande does not show any improvement in the relationship with Berlusconi, compared to Nicolas Sarkozy's days (watch the video on our YouTube's Berluschannel).

Friday, 14 December 2012

Silvio Berlusconi and the Sicilian clans

Monday, December 10, 2012. As the secretary of the People of Liberty party (PdL) Angelino Alfano states that Silvio Berlusconi's good friend Marcello Dell'Utri is a “miserable man”, the centre-right party's crisis becomes quite evident.

RAI TV programme Porta a Porta (Door to Door) or Italian journalist Bruno Vespa's  lounge – as the late night talk show is frequently called – is a hot spot for discussions, quarrels, rows, and – sometimes – fights, especially when general elections are in sight.
Angelino Alfano stating his case
... if Alfano strikes...
And this is the case, because general election will take place in Italy as soon as February 2012. But normally all the squabbling and skirmishing happens between members of different parties and movements. This time the discussion is within Berlusconi's PdL (People of Liberty), to be more precise, within the Sicilian tribes of the party.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Silvio Berlusconi and the broader moderate alliance

Wednesday, December 12, 2012. Silvio Berlusconi makes a U-turn and declares willingness to back Mario Monti in case of the creation of a broader moderate alliance to beat Italian left-wingers.

Mario Monti, the guy Berlusconi a few days ago dubbed as “beholden to Germany”, acting as a quasi-accomplice of Angela Merkel to try to "topple a majority government elected by the Italians” by using a scam (the spread-scam), leading a government that brought Italy to “the brink of the abyss” is now the favourite candidate of the Italian media tycoon? Can you believe that? Berlusconi is forcing Mario Monti to resign in order to vote for Monti as a Prime Minister?

Berlusconi thinking hard
Yet another brainwave? Or just going nuts?
Italian former Prime Minister took the occasion of a public event – the televised presentation of start TV anchorman Bruno Vespa's latest book – to inform the public of the last of his U-turn. Mr Berlusconi said the he "proposed to Monti to be the candidate as leader for the moderate centre coalition and he said he didn't want to. If his position changes, I would have no problem with stepping back ... I have no personal ambitions".