Saturday, 8 June 2013

Berlusconi, how easy is to mistake “true love” for “sex for money”?

Friday, 7 June, 2013. At the Ruby 2 trial Nicole Minetti denies having had “sex for money” and reveals that it was “true love” if she was hosted by Silvio Berlusconi at his villa(s), and reveals unprecedented “media aggression followed by a wave of scorn” against her.

Nicole Minetti in court 
On 31 May prosecutors hinted that Nicole Minetti had being “performing sexual acts for money” in Silvio Berlusconi's villa(s), apparently with the former prime minister, during a trial – dubbed Ruby 2, from the name of the main character involved and because the Ruby #1 is the trial against Silvio himself – where Nicole is a defendant, together with Lele Mora and Emilio Fede.

Nicole Minetti is charged with “induction into prostitution”, as a organiser of bunga-bunga parties and recruiter of prostitutes (among them under-age belly dancer Karima El Mahroug aka Ruby the Heartstealer, nickname that dubbed the related proceedings).

Proceedings are slowed down by many obstacles, Karima El Mahroug numerous lies didn't help much. but proceedings are always slow in Italy, aren't they?

Prosecution asked for a 7-year sentence.
multifaceted personality of Nicole Minetti, model, politician, anything!
The multifaceted personality of Nicole Minetti
Now Nicole, the hostess, turned into dental hygienist, turned into showgirl, turned into politician (“a well prepared and serious politician”, as Silvio put it), turned into whatever she is doing right now (actually she declared of “dwelling in a fable, I'm really fine, I don't miss politics at all*”), had a clear reply for the accusations: yes, she patronized Berlusconi's residences, yes she was hosted there, yes, she spent the night there, but... it was only love, not money, that led her deeds.

She met Silvio Berlusconi in 2008, in a trade fair where she was working “as a hostess” (and we know how Silvio like trade fairs andsimilar events...), and Nicole “was immediately fascinated by his personality and great charisma” and she could not resist his “discreet courting” (and we know how discreet he can be when courting). “We had a relationship, I don't deny that” she said. But she want to make it clear that the reason for her success (as a hostess?) was that she had always be good at dancing, even before meeting Mr Berlusconi. 

Sometimes love can really be blind, isn't it? 

Blind love?
Furthermore the young Nicole (when she met Silvio she was 23-year old, the charming billionaire was 72, less then 50 year senior) truly thought that the relationship with the media tycoon was “exclusive”, but she then realised that it wasn't (as many others did...). They kept being in a relationship of “extraordinary affection and great friendship” (that might have had also downs, biside ups, when Nicole addressed Silvio as a “piece of s***”, and said that she “didn't give a f*** if he was the prime minister or just an old man”).

Anyhow, Nicole says she wants to denounce a “media aggression followed by a wave of scorn” and “a campaign of hatred and defamation unprecedented in the history of Italy”.

Italy is very sensible to the theme of love, no surprise Twitter reacted very quickly and hashtag #veroamore (“#truelove”) is now whooping it up amongst political savvy and up-to-date Italians.

*We didn't ask, but possibly politics don't miss her either...


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